Do we live in a virtual reality?


I’d like to add this here as well.

It’s not every day you get a chance to be part of something with the potential to be a true  paradigm shift. Tom Campbell, a former NASA physicist and 40+ years consciousness explorer/researcher has written a TOE, a theory of everything in the form of MBT (My Big TOE), and has concluded that we are, in fact, living in a virtual reality. But words are not enough, and the ones can get things going are the scientists, being the high priests of our culture.

So Tom devised a series of Quantum Physics experiments that are now about to meet the “real world”. But it can’t be done without funding, and these experiments are not so popular in the bastions of materialism so we, the people, need to help them happen.

If you can contribute $10 or more, please do so. This model is relevant to how we conduct basically everything on the planet. It concludes that “Love is the answer”. When was the last time we had a scientific model that had a science of love?

Go check him out! His webpage. His YouTube channel. His books (a trilogy) can be bought pretty much everywhere (I bought my copy directly from Tom), be listened to at Audible, or even be read for free at Google books.

So, it’s not about selling books really. This knowledge opens doors to a more love based world. And share, share, share. We have only 16 days to go! It’s all or nothing on Kickstarter.

Thank you!

Do we live in a virtual reality?